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Face Lift
Multiple Modalities for Enhanced Results
Advanced Clinic treating the Facelifting protocols by Fotona.
We have Several 4D - 6D - 10D Fotona Facelifting treatments.
- SmoothLiftin™ A revolutionary non-ablative Er:YAG intraoral treatment for controlled and gentle “bulk-heating” to stimulate collagen contraction. In addition to an immediate effect resulting in the shrinkage of collagen fibers, the initiation of new collagen generation occurs. The effects result in an overall improvement of tightness and elasticity in the treated tissue as well as a plumping effect to the nasolabial folds from the inside, much like a filler.
- FRAC3® A self-induced, fractional effect of the Nd:YAG laser and a specific pulse structure that generates tiny regional spikes of high temperature. This nonablative modality enables the treatment of specific, deeper imperfections to complement the effect of the intraoral treatment, as well as restore youthful texture. PIANO® A unique, ultra-long Nd:YAG pulse mode for the third stage of Fotona4D®. The laser causes bulk tissue heating safely and rapidly, from the outside in, by concentrating energy delivery subcutaneously.
- The PIANO® pulse is in the superextended seconds regime mode, with a brushing technique for completing the full-thickness bulk heating with an overall synergistic tightening effect.
- SupErficial™ A light cold Er:YAG ablation that gives a pearl finish to the skin. SupErficialTM additionally improves the appearance of the skin and reduces imperfections by using propriety VSP technology, enabling the operator to easily adjust the laser to an extremely controlled light peel, without thermal effects, for a no-down time, precise treatment
6D FACELIFT - $1100
- Hydralase - Adrian Gaspar: HydraLase™ | Laser & Health Academy (
- T-runner - A robotic scanner used on face, for V-SMOOTH The Fotona T-Runner is a robotic scanner designed for the optimal delivery of V-SMOOTH pulses with perfectly controlled speed, accuracy and most importantly, the possibility of targeting either superficial or deep skin saggy laxity, thus optimizing the collagen regeneration process. The delivery of V-SMOOTH pulses is so well controlled that the laser system can determine and report the level of superficial heat shocking to the operator. This is accomplished by displaying the value of the STP surface temperature parameter, which tells the operator how hot and therefore how uncomfortable the treatment will be based on the combination of 3 parameters: V-SMOOTH fluence, pulse duration and the pulse stacking number. For values of STP below 90- 100%, patients do not require anesthesia. t_runner_article_gaspar_19.pdf (
- SmoothLiftin - intraoral
- FRAC3®
- The PIANO®
- SupErficial - Fractional
10D FACELIFT - $1650
- Hydralase
- MesoJect Skin Booster Cocktails - Toskani
- T-runner
- SmoothLiftin - intraoral
- FRAC3®
- The PIANO®
- Pigmentation Removal
- NCTF injection eye booster - nano soft needle - NCTF, face injection to improve skin quality and texture - Fillmed
- Fractional Resurfacing
- LED light therapy