I have Aging Concerns

Ageing is a natural phenomenon which is a fold, ridge and crease in the skin that occurs due to loss of body mass, poor hydration, disintegration of dermis and epidermis junction. The Skin ageing process involves many changes that occur due to the combination of both endogenous factors (gene mutation, cellular metabolism, and hormonal factor) and exogenous factors (U.V, pollutants, chemical, and toxins).

Skin ageing is a process in which skin quality deteriorates with age due to the synergistic effects of chronological ageing, photo-ageing, hormonal deficiency and environmental factors. In skin ageing, there is a reduction in the number of fibroblasts that synthesize collagen and vessels that supply the skin which leads to an increase in laxity and hence forms wrinkles

Skin ageing can occur at any layer of the skin. There are generally two factors responsible for Skin ageing namely: Internal factor and External Factor. Skin collagen and elastin synthesis decrease by 1%, each year leading to disorganization of connective tissue. This depletion of collagen and elastin cause the development of skin wrinkles in the dermis layer 

At Skin Galaxy we strive to give the best results in few treatments, with or without down time, Our Fotona devices treat all depths of the skin. With a thorough skin assessment on consultation we will initiate a plan for your desired result.